Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010 Goals

I have found in my own life that resolutions are made to be broken. The New Year brings feelings of excitement, freshness, and hopes of big achievements. And I see to always forget the failures of last year's resolutions. I don't I have ever made it two week into the New Year without breaking them...all of them! Yet every year I keep making them. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. So this year I'm skipping the resolutions. I'm not setting myself up for failure again.

And that's why you won't see me posting a list of resolutions this year! Instead I'm posting my list of goals for 2010. They are clearly not resolutions, which would have been posted a week ago. Undoubtedly, for those of you who are less trained on this sort of thing...these are goals! And specific, yet achievable, goals!

I'm posting them here so that I'll be more accountable. Fail or thrive, I'll be posting in December about the accomplishment (or lack there of) of these goals.

Without Further ado....
1. Spiritually--wanna pull up a chair...this one's a biggy! I will read my bible through this year. I get so much from the Lord when I just take the time to read. Along with bible reading I want to study my bible. I get so much just reading but I also want to take the time to dig a little deeper. My goal is to complete 12 studies this year. That's one a month. Also I'll be more faithful and consistent in my prayer life. I want to be more concerned with my holiness than my happiness this year!
2. Educationally--I want to read 24 books this year (other than my bible). I love to read a hodge podge of stuff but often love gets pushed to the side to accommodate computer time or on rare occasions laundry. I'm going to start posting the books I've read on the side of my blog.

3. Blogging--I love going back and reading my old posts or looking at pictures. Blogging is a great way to document and journal our lives. I want to blog at least once a week.
4. Financially--I want to cut my debt in half. I'm not a big spender and the only credit card I own is to JC Pennys and I haven't used it in years. But I do have my car and some students loans. I want to half this debt.
5. Physically--I want to lose 35 lbs. I know this is a small goal for such a big girl but I want to keep my goals reasonable and reachable. Our school is going to have a biggest loser competition. I hope that helps to motivate me!
6. My Marriage--I want to be a better wife. I want our home to be a sanctuary. A little piece of heaven on earth. I plan on working on ways to improve that.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Love your goals! They are good ones. I just love a new year, it feels so fresh. :)