Easter is one of my favorite holidays. I love celebrating and meditating on the resurrection of my Savior. I'm so thankful to serve a living God. I can't wait until my girls are big enough to understand.
Friday Evening we dyed Easter Eggs with the girls. Kendall had already had a bath and was in her pajamas. And My Kitchen was kind of a wreck because I was fixing lunch the next day for our families. (Just felt like I needed to clarify all that). :)
Saturday we had both sides of our family, along with a few friends over for lunch. I love family days. (Too bad I didn't get a picture of my clean(ish) kitchen on this day.
The guys cut down a leaning tree in the back yard during the festivities. Kendall rode in the back of the truck with Uncle Steve.
Another clarification... the rain boots were Kendall's addition to her outfit.