Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Little Fish

     Back in June we spent a couple of nights camping with my family in Townsend.  We had a great time.  We also introduced lil Kendall to the swimming pool.  The first time aunt Kiah got in with her.  Later in the week I did.  She's been swimming several times since then.  She's a pretty chill swimmer, but I guess I shouldn't expect any less.  :)  Hopefully by the end of summer, she'll think swimming is fun!

This really isn't a bikini.  I should have bought the next size up.  :)

Hooray for posts 2 days in a roll!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Quick Pics

   Wow, has it really been 2 weeks since I posted on here. I'd love to tell you that we've been gone on an exotic vacation, but we've really just been busy living life here at home.   We had a week of revival at church, which was my excuse for the first week.  The second week...well...I just got lazy.    My goal is to publish at least 4  new posts this week, including Kendall's 6 month post, wow she's getting big!

      So let's kick this week off with cell phone pics from the past 3 weeks and little updates while we go along.

These are in no certain order.  They are majorly jumbled!

   While getting ready one day, I stumbled across my collection of bows that I wore when I was like 13.  I have been saving these for awhile...I just know they'll be in style again one day.  I love these things!

    Some little girl has found her feet.  Too cute...well actually it was super cute the first few days.  Now with all the toe sucking, I'm worried she has a fetish.  Yuck!

Fire works night, a week after the fourth.  Kendall with my best friend Jec.

  A Sunday Morning, I love a good monogrammed dress!

Chillin one day at home.

Close up of her Nike's.


   After an afternoon walk.  She was tuckered.  This was also her first time using the stroller without her carseat. 

That's it.  Hopefully I'll be around a lot this week.  Stop back by!

Friday, July 12, 2013

5 Years and Loving Every Moment

   Today we celebrate 5 years of marriage.  I am glad to say that it is a celebration for us and we have no regrets.  What God puts together, he does well.  He has been in every aspect of marriage, from meeting to where we are now.  I am daily treated like a princess and quite spoiled...but I love it!  :)  

We have sooooo many great memories...

The last five years have been the best years of my life.  I can't wait for the next five!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

VBS 2013

   I probably say this every year on here, but I love helping at our church's vacation bible school.  I was saved at a Bible School so I guess that's where my love comes from.  I didn't know if I'd be able to help out this year or not with Kendall, but it actually worked out great.  Michael was great with watching her in the evenings, and I was able to leave VBS a few minutes early each night to get home in time to feed her.  She didn't seem to miss me too much.   Actually she might have been a little sad when I got home each night.  :)  

    Our theme this year was the Mighty God, and was medieval.  I took several pictures but don't feel comfortable posting pictures of other people's kids so you'll just get decor pics.  And I am not sure what happened to my pics of the auditorium.  :(  So this is just my room. 

     Nothing fancy.  It looked better in person.  Thank goodness for pinterest.  It makes my life so much easier :).  

      Can't wait until next year.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Father's Day in July


     I was so excited to get some good pictures of Kendall and Michael on Father's Day, and then I go and forget to post them on here. 

    I can't say it enough about what a great dad he is.  I'm sooo thankful Kendall has him in her life (and mine too)!  He is such a huge help to this Momma.

    I couldn't imagine my life without these two.  I'm a blessed girl!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Quick Pics

   Thanks for all the sweet comments on my last post.  I blog to document my lil family's life, not for comments.  But it is sure encouraging to get comments and know people are reading (especially if they say how pretty I am (I kid, well sort of)).   I hope to continue this blog for many years to come, and it will serve as a memory book for my kids to one day look back upon.  I kind of slacked off on blogging last week.  I was actually wondering if anyone was reading...now, I have several posts I need to get caught up on.

   I've made my snazzy button for my weekly post of cell phone pics, or quick pics.  What can I say?  I'm just cool like that!  :) 

 photo Presentation1.jpg

   These are my cell pics from the last 2 weeks, since I missed last Monday's.  

Crown I made at VBS...a post should be coming soon on that.  Just thought I'd put it on the real queen of the house!

I met my mom and sisters at Gondolier one day that same week.  Funny how since having Kendall I get invited to do things. 

Swimming with my Moize friends. 

Aunt Kiah with a blowout diaper.  

Last Sunday's Outfit

 Remember these shoes?  They fit now.

Yesterday's Outfit.

That's all my quick pics from the last two weeks!